Church Sound Services

An end-to-end audio approach

Regardless of where you are with your church sound sytem, GLAS can help you.  We specialize in designing new systems including mobile systems for church plants, optimizing current systems and providing training for volunteers to ensure every word is heard perfectly in every service.


the potential  
of your current sound system

Maybe you just need a system tune to help your current audio system perform better, need to expand or simply just replace a few pieces of your full sound system.  We walk through your system to provide recommendations of maximizing the potential of your current system.  


Better audio
within your budget 
for the long-term

When it’s time to upgrade your sound system we understand that you have a fiscal responsibility to spend donations wisely.  We build a system that stays in your budget to meet your expectations while also future-proofing your investment for the long-term.  We stand by every design and explain any trade-offs in your expectations to ensure you and your congregation are delighted for years to come. 


High quality
live sound
every week

Mixing live for your worship services on an ad-hoc or weekly basis provides your congregation with high quality audio and allows you to focus on the other 1000 things going on.


volunteer skills  with hands-on training

Volunteers are your lifeblood and we provide training sessions to help expand their capabilities for better worship experiences.  We can educate on audio basics, troubleshooting techniques and jumpstart volunteers to start creating a better audio experience week after week.  Our roots are formed from volunteering in audio over 20 years ago.

Send us a quick note or give us a call at 303-842-3531